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Category Archives: Podcast

The Foundation for Crafting Your 3 Word Rebellion

Rebel truth time. It’s hard to figure out your message. If you have been struggling to find the right words, know that there’s nothing wrong with you and it’s just a difficult process. Because we want to get it right and we hold onto finding that message so tightly that we can’t see the right […]

Move Over BIG IDEA. The 3 Word Rebellion is Here

William Faulkner once said about writing that you have to “kill your darlings.” Stephen King took it one step further in his book on writing and said, “Kill your darlings. Kill your darlings. Even when it breaks, your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings.” As business owners, speakers, and changemakers, we get very attached […]

How Podcast Interviews Grow Your Speaking Platform

You know that have to be visible in order to make a difference in the world. A movement was never started by hiding out behind your computer. A speaking career is never launched by posting on Facebook and Instagram alone. People must know about you and your message in order to grow your network and build […]

A Rebel Speaker Christmas Wish

One of the things I do with speakers to help them find that message that they want to be known for is a free writing exercise where I give them the prompt: I believe … They go ahead and they write a manifesto of sorts of what they believe about their area of expertise, their […]