Make Marketing Suck Less

Category Archives: Podcast

Why Your 3-Word Rebellion Matters for Expertise-Driven Businesses

  “Hey! Look at me!” “Hey! Buy my program…Read my blog…Listen to my podcast!” “Smash that subscribe button!” “Hey, I’ve got the only foolproof way to solve your problem!” Let’s face it. It’s noisy out in the marketplace. On social media, it seems like everyone is hawking their wares, talking about how much money they […]

Communicate the Value of Your Expertise with the 3 Word Rebellion

  Do you ever find yourself reading an Instagram post or listening to a podcast, and you’re absolutely horrified by the advice being given? You shake your head and you think, “That’s not how any of this works!” I know I’ve been there, and the reason is because experts can spot BS a mile away. […]

Defying Anti-Expert Bias And Claiming Your Identity As An Expert

  Why is it so hard to claim your expertise? To own what makes you truly exceptional at your work. To own the capacity and the ability you uniquely have to guide your clients to results. Then why is it so hard to promote that? To tell people about it? And I get that marketing […]

How To Stand Out In A Sea Of Marketing Clichés

  If everyone is saying the same thing to market their business, how do you— as an expert—stand out? How can you say something different that catches the attention of your right-fit clients so they pay attention to you and hire you and not your competition? Today we’re doing something a little bit different. We’re […]