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Tag Archives: Audience

3 Keys to Creating a Speech Audiences Love

What makes a presentation sizzle while another fizzles? The difference between speaking success and presentation mess is understanding what your audience wants. What does an audience want – what do they really, really want? I’ll tell you what they want, what they really, really want (Is the Spice Girls stuck in your head yet?) Audiences […]

How to Ruin a Presentation in the Last 30 Seconds

Your speech is going great! You’re engaging, the audience asks great questions, they are loving your every word and then in the last 30-seconds you blow it.  By doing one (or more) of these: Ending a presentation with Q&A Saying, “Well, that’s it.” Saying, “Thank you for your time.” Running off the stage with no real […]

The Most Important Word In Any Presentation

Don’t you hate it when a speaker gets up and waxes on poetically about themselves for the first 5 minutes of a presentation? It’s all Me, Me, Me. You’re yawn, yawn, yawning. Why is that? What makes you fall into a stupor of boredom when a speaker focuses on himself first? YOU – you are […]

What to do if your presentation is going down in flames

Your presentation is going down in flames! Your audience looks lost or bored or worse BOTH. Heck, this presentation is going so poorly even you are bored by you. I’ve totally been in this situation. Do not despair! It is not a total loss.  You can still save your presentation. You need to FIX your speech. Here […]

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