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Category Archives: Podcast

How to Negotiate your Speaking Fee (TRSP 36)

I have that little ’80s ditty “I Wanna be Rich” from one-hit-wonder Calloway playing in my head, “I want money; lots and lots of money,” because today we’re talking about money—one of my all-time favorite topics. If you want to make money by being a speaker, you will have to talk about it sooner or […]

How to Stand Out from Other Speakers (TRSP 34)

Do you ever get déjà vu when listening to a presentation? When that happens, it’s because you’re listening to a me-too speaker who never heard the advice of Sally Hogshead when she says, “Stand out or don’t bother.” The speaker is only regurgitating thoughts shared by others previously without adding any original substance or spin. […]

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